Brief 1 – Love

Brief 1 – Love

This Friday I was running a little late to the class. As I entered to the class both my tutors Brian and Sue just pounced upon me saying “today we are going to love!” I was a bit startled first. What did they mean? So, later Brian explained the brief which...
Brief 2 – Archive Research

Brief 2 – Archive Research

This time we were given a brief to look into any of the UCA archives or special collections of our choice and then form our own opinion about the subject and present it in a 10-minute presentation in the class and complement it with a written essay of about 2000...

Brief 3 – Radicalise Online Brand

This brief was a follow-up to an earlier brief – Identify and Online Brand. In this brief, we are now supposed to radicalise the online presence of the same Online Brand that we worked on earlier. In my team’s case it was Dropbox, the online cloud-storage...

Brief 4 – Timeline

This week’s brief was very interesting. We had to think of critical thinkers, designers, artists and design movements of all time and put their names on a timeline on a huge piece of paper. This exercise help us recognise critical thinking. It helps us realise...
Brief 2 – Identify an Online Brand

Brief 2 – Identify an Online Brand

A new brief came our way on 1st October. It said that working in groups, we were to identify a new online brand, product or service and address a few questions: Who is the target audience? Who or what are the main competitors? What is if anything is effective about...