This Friday, we were showing our ideas for our Manifesto exhibition to our tutors Brian and Sue. I think I had a brilliant idea for my exhibition where I would put up a Human looking form projecting images from its head on the wall in front of it. My manifesto will be projected on the wall. But one of my tutors Sue interrupted me in between and threw this question at me like a base ball pitch while I was totally unprepared for it. She really caught me off-guard. She asks: “What according to you is Technology?”I was flabbergasted! I was unable to describe my idea of Technology to her. I felt like someone has just shook me really hard while I was having the most blissful dream of my life. Now I feel totally lost.

So, first things first. Lets define technology. Here’s what Oxford Dictionary has to say about it:


[mass noun]

  •  the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry:advances in computer technology
  • machinery and devices developed from scientific knowledge: it will reduce the industry’s ability to spend money on new technology
  •  the branch of knowledge dealing with engineering or applied sciences.

It feels to me that, this definition seems to be missing a lot of things, rather aspects of technology. Time to look at another dictionary,




  1. the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science.
  2. the terminology of an art, science, etc.; technical nomenclature.
  3. a scientific or industrial process, invention, method, or the like
  4. the sum of the ways in which social groups provide themselves with the material objects of their civilization.

This seems closer to my idea of Technology.

Technology, according to me is not a particular technology (digital, analogue, cloud-computing, etc.) Its more like the whole concept of innovation to create tools to improve our lives, solve problems, and preserve life.

I’m a firm believer of how technology influences our lives positively. Ofcourse with everything positive we always find something negative to do with it. Its in our nature. We humans are very inquisitive creatures and need to know about all possibilities of things around us. But this doesn’t mean that we should not adopt new technology.

History has been a witness of how technology has changed our lives for the better, more than it has ruined it. Right from the start, invention of tools enabled humans to hunt and feed ourselves better. The invention of fire changed our entire way of life. The invention of the wheel opened up a whole new world to us Humans. If this is all not technology then what it is? I now can say that progress is only possible because of technology and our ability to create it.

How do you has technology made life better?